Your support to Deeper Still Inland Empire will allow women and men to once and for all be set free from the guilt, shame and grief caused by abortion. You will be giving these individuals an opportunity to mend their wounded hearts and receive Healing and Lasting FREEDOM!! We do not charge participants to attend the retreats. They come for free. Therefore, we count on donations from generous donors in order to provide a free, confidential and safe haven for women and men to find healing.
Donations can be made online via credit card or auto-deduction from your checking or savings account through our safe and secure PayPal site. Just click on one of the dontate buttons below to be taken to our donation page. There you can make a one-time or recurring monthly donation. Thank you for your support.
Donations can also be made by your banks bill pay or US Mail. Please make checks payable to Deeper Still Inland Empire. Checks can be mailed to:
Deeper Still Inland Empire 6788 Cartilla Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91701
Thank you so much for your support and for helping to bring healing and lasting freedom to abortion wounded hearts of both women and men.
We are a non-profit, Christ Centered Ministry. We receive no government funding. We rely completely on the provision of God through independent donors, churches and businesses.